Saturday, September 11, 2010

SEO Software For Mac | Seoquake For Safari 5.0 | SEO Plugin

Using a Macintosh computer with OS X has obvious benefits and the OS comes packed with great software including Safari. However, anyone that develops websites or blogs has probably used Firefox because of the great SEO Add-ons available. You may have asked yourself - Where are all the SEO Extensions for Safari? I know I have.

If you are involved with Internet Marketing, you'll understand that these add-ons for Firefox are essential SEO Tools for Mac.

I don't know about you - I would much prefer to use Safari and I do as my main browser when using my MacBook Pro. Luckily enough, there's a new SEO Extension For Safari that works great and every Mac User interested in SEO should use it.

UPDATE | June 28th, 2011

I have just discovered that the direct link to the SeoQuake extension for Safari did not work and I have changed that link to point to the SeoQuake home page.

I sent support an email informing them of the problem to which they quickly responded saying they have temporarily suspended development of the Safari extension.

They also indicated they are planning to upgrade a complete SEOQuake Safari Extension.

So check back here for updates and for now I suggest anyone wishing to use this excellent plugin, you can download it here for use with Firefox.

NOTE: You must access this link using the Firefox Browser and you will be automatically asked to install it within the browser. If you try this in Safari, you'll end up with a zipped file.

If you don't have Firefox for Mac, download the latest version.

Seoquake for Safari 5.0

Seoquake has an Excellent SEO Plugin that's been used in Firefox for quite some time and is the #1 Firefox Add-on. It's also available for Google Chrome and Now it's available for Safari 5.0.

You can Download New Seoquake For Safari 5.0 and spend more time using your favourite Web Browser with all the functionality that Seoquake for Safari offers. You'll need to make sure you update Safari to 5.0 for this extension to work.

I have been using this SEO Extension for Safari 5.0 for a few days and it works perfectly. Go ahead and give it a try and cut down on your Firefox usage. ; )

Safari Backlinks (Yahoo PageLinks)

I've also been using another free Safari extension that shows a sites backlinks in Yahoo Site Explorer - Safari Backlinks 0.3.

This extension doesn't show every incoming link to a site and is not a complete solution but it can certainly give you a snapshot of who is linking out to a competitors site or your own site.
